Would you like to have much more self-love, happiness and empowerment in your life?
Are you ready for a breakthrough in your life? Would you like to release whatever holds you back from your essential truth, beauty and goodness and render yourself open to receive and share in life’s wonderful blessings?
With the right support and guidance, you really can uncover the natural state of happiness, peace and well-being that springs from within you.
I offer a unique and personalized system to help you grow and live the life you long for.
- Transformational Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy– to gently clear the obstacles and open the path to profound well-being.
- Authentic Self-Love Coaching – to support you in loving and honoring yourself from the inside out.
- Personalized Workshops for individuals and couples who want and are ready for accelerated results.
Featured in Happy for No Reason, the New York Times Bestseller
As a collaborator on the recent bestselling book, Happy for No Reason, I specialize in helping people learn how to love themselves authentically and find their joy, peace and fulfillment. Self-healing is a journey of “remembering” who you really are, releasing the patterns of belief and behavior that interfere with well-being and connecting deeply to what fundamentally sustains you.
If you’re in pain or crisis, you’ll be able to understand your situation with more self-compassion and clarity. You will be guided in how to honor yourself and your life and overcome your depression, stress, anxiety, trauma, grief, addictions or relationship problems. If you’re already pretty happy in your life, you’ll be able to access an even deeper level of peace and well-being — to become truly happy from the inside out. Read more…
Why Choose this work?
If you’re reading this, you’re probably already responding to an inner calling. The point of this work is to learn how to go further in listening inwardly so as to activate, trust and honor more of your deep intelligence. Personal pain and discomfort are often gateways into self-discovery. I can help you decipher the signal from the noise, and develop the capacity for inner attunement.
Along with the activation of your internal “GPS,” you’ll be introduced to state of the art methods combined with ancient techniques and practices that will support and accelerate your ongoing growth and transformation. Read more…
Take the First Step…
Whether you need faster results to release your suffering or are ready to live your life at a much higher level of happiness, peace and personal power, I can help you.
Contact me today to schedule a free consultation to see if this is right for you. You don’t need to settle for mediocre therapy or an unhappy life. You can experience a profound opening to your best life.

Sergio Baroni, LCSW
Sergio Baroni is a licensed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and life coach who specializes in helping people experience rapid transformation in their lives.
Sergio was a key collaborator in creating the New York Times bestselling book Happy for No Reason, and co-developer of the Happy for No Reason Life Coaching program with Marci Shimoff.

Transformational Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy
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Authentic Self-Love Coaching
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Workshops & Intensives for Individuals and Couples
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